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邀请与答复 Invitation and Reply Dear Mr. / Ms, We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 2000 Internat.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
Activity Arrangement 活动安排 Activity Arrangement Dear Mr. / Ms, We are very pleased to welcome President William .....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
询价Inquiries cathay Business Machines Import & Export Corporation 2000 Century Boulevard Pudong, Shanghai 201206, Ch.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
确认约会 I would like to confirm our appointment to discuss the possibility of merging our distribution networks. I am.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
祝贺新公司成立 It has just come to our attention that you have lately opened your new European headquarters in Brussel.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
Consultation 咨询 Consultation Dear Mr. / Ms, We are much concerned that your sales in recent months have fallen co.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
 结束段落:边总结信函,边向对方抛"球",以便联系到下次行动。 ●请求回函 如能尽早回复,我们将不胜感激。 We would ap.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
 在一些由中文翻译的英语样本、合同、广告和其他文件材料中常见一些翻译错误,现仅举几个出现频率较高的例子,试作分析,谨供读.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
 通常商务交流中的书信书写格式分为四种,每一种都有其突出的地方,而选择用哪种格式则看写信人的爱好了。 Modified-Block Le.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
代理Agencies The chamber of Commerce Casilla 593 Lima 100. Avenida Gregorio Escobedo 398. Jesus Maria, Lima 11 Tel:.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
同意约见 Thank you for your letter of 15 September. I note that you will bein the UK during the whole of November. We .....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
欢迎新代理商 I would like to welcome you to our organization. We are very pleased to have you on our ream. I know that.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
改善服务 Thank you for your letter of 26 January. I apologize for the delivery problems you had with us last month. I .....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
说明价格调整原因 I enclose our new price list , which will come into effect ,from the end of this month. You will see .....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
 (1)我们盼望于近日内接获回信,等。 1. We hope to receive your favour at an early date. 2. We hope to be favoured .....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
为商贸指南兜揽广告 Thank you for your business. You arecurrently represented in our directory. This is the only direct.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
 Dear Mr. Jones: We have received your L/C No.121/99 issued by the Yemen Bank for Reconstruction & Development for th.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
 顾客是上帝。而对商家而言,直接的上帝就是客户。让客户满意是商家赢得成功的制胜法宝。本文教你如何回复客户请求。 From: X.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
 在商务英语中,应用文可谓是占据了绝大部分。下面,我们就针对应用文写作中的私人和公务信函、备忘录、摘要、报告等几种应用文.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
 外贸业务英文书信格式对从事外贸业务人员有很大帮助,本文包括了27种项书信格式,例举了27种书信范文,英文书信格式大汇总。现.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
 请假条(事假) To: John Smith, Supervisor From: George Chen, Accounting Department Date: March 11, 2001 .....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
 (3)关于某某事项,谨表谢意,等。 1. Please accept our thanks in advance for your usual kind attention. 2. Please .....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
 国际商务合同中的词语是构成合同文本最基本的单位。对合同文本中的一些单词词义的正确选择,是翻译合同文书的前提和基础。如果.....商务英语写作 |12-28 |
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