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At the Silk and Satin Shop在绸布店 Key Sentences(重点句子) 636. You want to buy some Chinese silk and satin,don'.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 ⑴欢迎词 女士们,先生们: 欢迎你乘坐中国XX航空公司航班XX_____前往_____(中途降落_____)。有_____至____的飞行距离是.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 Please tell me how much you want to change. 请告诉我你要换多少。 How much of the remittance do you want to convert.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 Dialogue A (A: Receptionist B: Guest) B: I want a double room with a bath. How much aa day doyou charge? A:.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 学一些常用英语,会给你的旅游带来更多的乐趣。 谢谢!—— Thank you. 多谢!—— Thanks a lot. 对不起,麻烦你。——.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
Trafalgar Square 下载此节目录音The script of this programme 本节目台词Youling: It’s the square for the tallest Chri.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
英美式早餐时会话一 服务员:早上好,先生。 顾客:早上好。你好吗? 服务员:谢谢先生,我很好。昨晚您睡得好吗? 顾客:是.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
English and American Style Breakfast 2 Waiter: Good morning. Two persons? Customer: Yes, two, please. W: I'll seat y.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 1.I want a double room with a bath. 我要一间有浴室的双人房。 2.How much a day do you charge? 每天收费多少? 3.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 谁都不想自己美好的异国之旅被不和谐音符破坏,若想畅行无阻,英语即是必不可少的沟通工具。当然,你不必是英语通,你只需关键.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
Sentences Housekeeping. May I come in? 我是客房服务部的,可以进来吗? When would you like me to do your room, sir? .....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 -where is the tourist information center? 旅游信息问讯处在哪里? -Please show me the way to the museum. 请告诉我.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 GLORIA: I'm glad we took the train. I don't like to ride in buses. KAREN: Yes, I agree. We can see the scenery be.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 KELLY: I hope the food here is good. SANDY: Yes, it is very expensive. Maybe we shouldn't have come here. KELLY.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 STUART: I'm glad I brought my jacket on this trip. SHARON: Yes, I didn't know Washington, DC got so cold in wint.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 Customs inspectors examine the luggage of all travelers to the country. All articles acquired abroad must be declared—.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
Handling Complaints应付抱怨 Key Sentences(重点句子) 289.Is anything the matter,sir? 出什么事了吗,先生。 29.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
英美式早餐时会话三 领班服务员:夫人,早上好。 顾客:早上好,我一个人。 好,请走这边。 这张桌子可以吗? 很好,谢谢。.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 点菜就餐的典型次序是:找一张桌子坐下——看菜单-—点菜——就餐-—付钱-—离开。英语语言的表达基本上也是依照次顺序。“.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 对语言不通的人来说,入境他国检验护照时,移民官的询问无疑是最紧张的时刻。身处异国本就心情紧张,若再加上语言不通,所有问.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 当客人向你说明什么的时候,得体的回答也很重要。下面是一些酒店服务中常用的回答用语。 1.一般性的回答 I see, sir. 我明.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 一、预约火车票 1. I'd like to reserve a seat at twelve to London. 我想要预定一个座位,十二点开往伦敦的火车。 2. I'.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 A: M-O-O-R-E. And what is your address, please? B: It is 3600 Montague Boulevard, Hattiesburg , Mississiippi 394.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 May I have some sherry to begin with? 我们先来点雪莉酒好吗? I'll start with green pea soup. 我先来个豌豆汤。.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 I'm afraid you came to the wrong table. 恐怕你送错桌了。 Isn't this somebody else's order? 这不是别人点的吗?.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 A: Good.I will send a bellboy to your room and help youwith your luggage at 9 o'clock. And please remember to bring .....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 在西餐厅就餐,菜单一般由三类不同的菜别组成。the first course 或者 starters 是指第一道菜,往往是汤、一小碟色拉或其它小.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 We'd like to have to table near the street. 我们想要一个靠街的桌位。 B:This is your menu. Your waitress will be .....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 8.I'd like to book a single room with bath from the after-noon of October 4 to the morning of October 10. 我想订一个.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
 15、In our hotel we don't accept tips. 我们饭店是不收小费的。 It's our pleasure to serve our guests well. 我们为.....旅游英语口语 |12-28 |
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